The Preserve at Deerpath Farm includes 140 acres of permanently protected open lands: oak savannahs, woodlands, wetlands, prairie and some agriculture. This restored and managed landscape provides a healthy environment for plants, animals and people.
Protected open lands
The open lands at Deerpath Farm are permanently protected, and can never be built upon. For thirty years, ongoing restoration efforts have rejuvenated the land to its original native beauty, and allowed traditional agriculture to continue. Invasive plants such as buckthorn have been removed, and native species, such as oak trees and may apples, have been encouraged to flourish.
The Preserve at Deerpath Farm is uniquely owned by residents via the Deerpath Farm Homeowner Association.
Ongoing maintenance
Lake Forest Open Lands Association holds the conservation easement for the Deerpath Farm Preserve, and manages the lands’ maintenance using fund provided by homeowner dues. Learn more about stewardship at Deerpath Farm.